Tag Archives: glue

Hidden Message


Glue – it can be sticky, messy, and uncooperative.  Although glue has some negative aspects, it can be used to create a very unique work of art.

For this art project you will need:

  • Glue (I used Elmer’s School Glue)
  • Canvas
  • Paint
  • Paint brush
  • Pencil

First, gather a quote, word, or saying you like.  You can search on the internet for one, just use one you create yourself, or just use a single word or name.  Use the pencil to write what words you like on the canvas. Then, take the bottle of glue and, carefully and slowly, trace the pencil lines while squirting glue.

I used the quote by Henry David Thoreau, “This world is but a canvas to our imagination,” and traced the letters twice with glue.

After the glue dries completely, take a single color of paint and paint the entire canvas.  The glue should be sticking up from the canvas creating a “hidden message.”

Canvas with a hidden message using glue. *It looks better in person, it did not photograph well.

Canvas with a hidden message using glue. *It looks better in person, it did not photograph well.

Some tips for this art project:

  • Try using different styles of writing.
  • Use a ruler to create perfect lines or write words with letters a little crooked (like my example).
  • Uses capital and lower case letters.
  • Try using more than one paint color when painting the canvas.
  • If the letters are not standing off of the canvas enough try different glue, or trace the letters with glue again.

Go Artsy: Recycle Your Magazines


“You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.” – Andy Warhol

I’m an avid reader of Cosmopolitan and Seventeen magazines. Who reads a magazine more than once? It would be boring, I’m sure.  Instead of having your magazines piled up or thrown away, try making an art collage with them, so they can thrill you again.

For this art project you will need:

• Magazines
• Paper
• Stick Glue
• Scissors
• Markers

To start, flip through magazines and select images that spark your interest. I like to tear out the whole page at first and cut later. It can be small or large, words, items, or people. More variety makes for a more fascinating composition. Carefully cut out your pieces. Try to cut curvy or zigzag lines around the subject. Lay the sheet of paper down (whatever size you prefer) and arrange your clippings. Try switching it up a few times and use the arrangement you like the best. Overlapping images or letting them hang off of the paper can make your collage have more visual appeal.  Glue your pieces down one at a time. Remember to not totally glue all sides down if you plan to overlap, if you want another piece to slide under a little.  You can use markers to doodle over the images and on spots that may have some paper still showing, if you wish to do so. Dots and lines are simple, but can have a big impact.

Collage using magazine and sharpie markers.

Collage using magazine clippings and sharpie markers.

This project can be done with any type of magazine, for any interest you have.  Create a collage to inspire you, foods you like, sports, fashion, celebrities, music instruments, the sky is the limit.